Rajasthani Veena Bhajan Collection
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Rajasthani Veena Bhajan Collection

Rajasthani Veena Bhajans collection, veena music free download

Veena Music Rajasthani Shyam Bhajans
Radha Krishna Bhajans - Seema Mishra
Harijas 2 Full Album By Veena

Rajasthani Folk Music And Bhajans By Veena Music

VEENA- The widely popular music establishment from the land of superlatives, Rajasthan, is committed to develop. preserve and promote the rich tradition of Rajastnani Folk- Music. The music created by "Veena:" is devoid of the commercial string attached to the so called popular music of today and presented in its pure traditional form preserving its rich heritage. 

The endeavor at "Veena" is to appraise music loving public at large aboutRajasthani Culture and its common rituals, fairs and festivals. "Veena" is proclaimed to be created with ever increasing popularity of Rajasthani Folk Music. In the last 4 years the company has released about 50 popular albums, out of 4 part of 'Ghoomar' has created a milestone in India as well as abroad. The ever increasing demand for "Veena" creation has prompted the company to start making CD of each cassette and around 40 audio Cds have so far been introduced.

The growing popularity of electronic media specially Doordarshan has resulted in increasing demand for VCDs. "Veena" has initiated shooting films on a very large scale on a vast canvas with the sole objective of promoting Rajasthan's rich traditional and cultural facets. In a very short span of only 1 year "Veena" has launched 10 VCDs and plan to launched another 5-6 VCDs by the end of third quarter of the year 2004 are on anvil. The mission is to introduce more and more people to the rich architectural and culture heritage of Rajasthan. The source of entertainment would also simultaneously bridge in information gap about incredible Rajasthan. Another first to company's credit was the successful running of a teleserial "Baton Baton Mein" in fact the only production in Rajasthani language on Metro Channel of Doordarshan. 'Gorband' being aired on Jaipur Doordarshan has already completed 91 episodes and has set new records of popularity and viewer ship.

Organizing cultural programme to promote and popularise folk music is Veena's forte, which has attracted huge crowd even in mega cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Nagpur, Hydrabad, Surat , Singapore, Aurangabad and On the foundation day of Jodhpur at Umed Bhawan Palace and other places in India in Rajasthan shows were presented at Jaipur ,Kota, Baran, Sikar, Jhunjhanu, Churu and Bundi where 15000 to 50000 people enjoyed the programme till late night at all places, for each of these programmes special light effects and sound effects are put to use with original soundtrack and the programme is presented on Computerized digital sound.

The next target of "Veena" is to attract non-Rajasthani people towards Rajasthani Folk music and songs and thus "Veena" will become ambassador of Rajasthani culture to promote tourism industry in international market.

VEENA - The Melody of Rajasthan

If you though, Rajasthani music is all about choli ke peeche kya hai and Dilli shahar mein mharo ghaghro jo ghoome….you might not have tuned to the music created by "Veena" cassettes. The leading 'Melody-Maker' of Rajasthan has vowed to provide a musical relief to the music aficionados who believe that Rajasthani music starts at vulgarity and ends at double meaning songs. 

At the Veena "The company is committed to develop, preserve and promote the rich tradition of Rajasthani Folk music, for that we are promoting youthful voice which can do justice to the colourful folk music of the state.

The Rajasthani album created by the company is in demand not only in rural areas but NRI from Rajasthan living different part of the world are said to begin their day by humming to the tune of Veena Cassettes. Our album "Ghoomar" created a new records as far as selling is concerned we have sold 20 lakh copies of this album till date and its remains hot favorite among the diehard fan of original Rajasthani music.

The album, which paints the real picture of Rajasthan through melody have evoked unprecedented response even in southern part of the county. 

If the Ghoomer was the largest selling album Gorband, another melodious journey of Veena Cassettes struck a beautiful note with music lovers "The foot taping beats of this album is a must in every cultural programme and festivals. We have tried to highlight culture and tradition of Rajasthan through songs.

In the last 3 years company has launched more than 25 albums. Latest to hit the stores is Leharion, which has started making musical waves in a short span of time.

Free Download Rajasthani Lok Bhajans By Veena Music:-

1. Aaj vrindavan.mp3

2. Bol hari bol.mp3





सदैव संदेह करने वाले व्यक्ति के लिए प्रसन्नता ना इस लोक में  है ना ही कहीं और . 
                                                                                                   _Srimadbhagwadgita  श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता


Aarti (Prayers),15,Alka Goyal,6,Altaf Raja,1,Anil Badarika,2,Anup Jalota Bhajans,50,Anuradha Paudwal,13,Art Of Living,31,Baba Hardev Singh Ji - Sant Nirankari,1,Baba Ramdev Ji - YogGuru,2,Baba Ramdev Ji (Runicha),19,Baba Rasika Pagal,5,Baldev Krishan Sehgal Ji,7,Books (Literature),17,Brahma Kumaris,2,Bulleh Shah | Sufi Poetry,1,Chitra-Vichitra Ji Bhajans,8,Chotey Kanhaiya Ji Maharaj,4,DeshBhakti Songs,1,Devi Chitralekha Ji,6,Devkinandan Thakur Ji Maharaj,18,Dheeraj4uall Specials,9,DJ Mix Bhajans,8,DJ Shivam Mixes,4,Dr. B. R. Ambedkar,1,Falguni Pathak Bhajans,3,Festival Special,18,Ganesh Ji Bhajans,9,God Wallpapers,6,Gopal Bajaj,3,Govind Bhargav Ji,9,Guru Mahima Bhajans,2,Hament Brijwasi,2,Hanuman Ji Bhajans,16,Hari Om Sharan,2,Hariharan,3,Heena Sain,1,Instrumental Music,8,ISKCON Kirtans,4,J. S. R. Madhukar,1,Jagjit Singh Bhajans,38,Jai Shankar Choudhary,4,Jain Bhajans,5,Jaya Kishori Ji Bhajans,30,K.J Yesudas,1,Kabir Rahim Surdas Tulsidas Ke Dohe,40,Kathayen,10,Khatu Shyam Bhajans,25,Kishori Amonkar,2,Krishna Das,7,Kumar Vishnu,1,Lakhbir Singh Lakkha,3,Lata Mangeshkar,13,Live Tv,3,Madan Gopal,4,Mahendra Kapoor,1,Mamta Bajpei And Kanchan Sapera,3,Manohar Das,1,Mantra Slok And Chants,42,Mata Bhajans,33,Meerabai,13,Most Popular Hindi Bhajans,2,Mukesh,1,Munshi Premchand,1,Music Videos,2,Nandu Ji Bhajans,6,Narendra Chanchal,2,Nathu Singh Sekhawat,2,Nikunj Kamra Bhajans,4,Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan,2,Osho,1,P. N. Oak Books,2,Pandit Bhimsen Joshi,7,Pandit Jasraj,10,Pandit Kumar Gandharya,2,Poetry,1,Prahlad Singh Tipanya,4,Praveen Dimple,1,Prem Rawat (Maharaji),2,Prkash Mali,4,Pujya Bhaishree Rameshbhai Ojha,2,Radha Krishna Bhajans,62,Rajasthani Bhajans,40,Rajasthani Folk Music,2,Rajiv Chopra,3,Rajkumar Swami,5,Raju Mehra,2,Rakesh Behl Bhajans,1,Ram Niwas Rao Bhajans,4,Ravindra Jain,1,Richa Sharma,1,Romi,1,Ronu Majumdar,1,Sadhana Sargam,1,Sadhvi Poonam Didi,8,Sai Baba Bhajans,18,Sanjay Agarwal Bhajans,1,Sanjay Mittal Bhajans,1,Sanju Sharma,1,Sanwarmal Saini,1,Satyaa And Pari,2,Seema Mishra (Veena Music),5,Seema Pandit Ji,1,Shiv Bhajans,30,Shivali,2,Shree Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj,1,Shri Kalyan Ji Maharaj Diggipuri,1,Shri Krishna Chandra Sastri Ji,2,Shri Mridul Gaurav Krishna Goswami Ji Maharaj,108,Shri Mukund Hari ji maharaj,1,Shri Prembhushan ji Maharaj,1,Shri Radha Krishna Ji Maharaj,10,Shri Ram Bhajans,22,Shyam Agarwal,4,Sikh Sangeet (Gurbani),6,Sona Jadhav Bhajans,1,Sonu Nigam,1,Srimad Bhagavad Gita,4,Swami Krishna Murari,1,Swami Vivekananda,1,Ujjwal Khakolia Bhajans,2,Uma Lahari Bhajans,13,Vijay Soni,3,Vinod Agarwal Ji,22,
Dheeraj4uall : Music, Culture & Literature: Rajasthani Veena Bhajan Collection
Rajasthani Veena Bhajan Collection
Rajasthani Veena Bhajans collection, veena music free download
Dheeraj4uall : Music, Culture & Literature
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