Hindhu Mantras, Dhoons, Hindhu mantra, Shiv Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Hindhu cHANTS
MANTRAS are mystic sounds which produce certain type of energies. ‘Mananath Trayathe Ithi Mantraha’- Mantra protects the person who recites it. This means Mantras are primarily invented by great seers for the welfare of the society.
What happens when a Mantra is recited? When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Thus we can balance the energies and also increase the level of a certain type of energy, which promote certain actions and events. For example, if we increase the Mercury’s energy level, it promotes us to take intelligent steps in business.
All mantras came from the single sacred sound: 'Om'.
There are Mantras for every thing. The ‘Gayatri Mantra’ recited by Hindus comprise 24 sounds, each sound is loaded with the energy of a different type by ancient sages. Thus there are 24 sages who contributed the sounds for Gayatri Mantra. It is said that ‘there is no great Mantra than Gayatri and there is no great god than the Mother’.
The main aim of Mantras is to provide whatever the human beings long for. For example, the sound ‘Sreem’ represents Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Hence the Mantra: ‘Om Sreem Om’
If you want to attract others and get the things done by them, then ‘Kleem’ is the right sound for you. This sound spells charm. So the Mantra: ‘Om Kleem Om’
If you want to become more dynamic and energetic and you want to get rid of general diseases, you can chant: ‘Om Hreem Om’.
If you are worried about the intelligence and education of your children, let them recite: ‘Om Iym Om’.
To get rid of evil eye and evil spirits, you can recite: ‘Om Ham Om’.
To have hormonious married life and to reduce quarrels between the husband and wife, the following mantra will be invaluable: ‘Om Saam Om’.
A lot many people face illhealth and suffer a lot, because of the deeds committed in their previous births. For them, to get rid of health problems, and live a full life sanctioned by God, they should recite ‘Om Joom Saha’.
All the activities by the human beings are greatly influenced by the Nine Planets identified in Indian Astrology. So the Planetary Mantras are furnished here, along with their general purpose:
1) Sun: Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namaha |
The above Mantra should be recited for escaping from problems in Job, Politics, Health, diseases related to Head, Paternal related things.
2) Moon: Om Sraam Sreem Sroum Sah Chandraya Namaha |
This is the Mantra for escaping from mental worries, problems from Maternal things, diseases related to stomach and blood.
3) Mars: Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhoumaaya Namaha |
This is the Mantra for getting dynamic nature, winning on others, success in vehicles, land or house property dealings, escaping from accidents, improving relations with the spouse.
4) Jupiter: Om Jraam Jreem Jroum Sah Gurave Namaha |
This is the Mantra for achieving general success in life and getting protection in all matters. It increases respect from others and social contacts. It gives stability in job or business.
5) Saturn: Om Khraam Khreem Khroum Sah Senaye Namaha |
This Mantra makes one to escape from procrastination, trauma, ill-health, all major problems in life.
6) Mercury: Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaaya Namaha |
This is the Mantra to improve Business dealings and Communications skills. This will sharpen the intelligence.
7) Venus: Om Dhraam Dhreem Dhroum Sah Sukraaya Namaha |
This Mantra makes one to improve relations with women, artistic talents, acquiring jewelry and money.
8) Rahu: Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namaha |
This Mantra makes one to get rid of any confusion in mind, legal problems, problems from evil spirits.
9) Kethu: Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Kethave Namaha |
This Mantra makes one to come out of defamation, allergic diseases, problems from evil spirits, and sudden happening of bad events.
Every one cannot start chanting what ever Mantras they want. The person who wants to recite a Mantra should follow certain code of conduct. For example, one should recite a Mantra when at peace. He/she should get up early in the morning, take bath, start reciting the mantras at the time of Sun rise. One should maintain piousness and avoid Non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and other stuff, which make the functioning of the brain improper. Most important is: one should find a Guru (divine guide), who tells what type of Mantra is suitable to alleviate one’s problems, and also teaches how to recite the Mantras. Without proper guidance from Guru, one should not venture to start chanting the Mantras.